US Flag Memorial Ribbon Attack On America
Tuesday 11 September 2001

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Compiled by Michael Sauers, Librarian, Internet Trainer & Author
at the Bibliographical Center for Research ::
Last Updated:

Site news - 12 February 2002
The site has been frozen. There will be no more updates or changes.
None of the images on this site are mine and therefore there is no reprint permission for me to give.
Lastly, I do not have the time to answer any question regarding this site or 9/11 in general. Sorry.

Please help build a Web Archive of the Sept 11 Attack

About the site's design:
This page started out as an exercise in coding a page in XHTML Strict and CSS Level 2.
Despite being standards compliant it does not display the same in all browsers.
All information displays on all browsers but will look best on current versions of IE and Netscape. Remember, the information is more important than how it looks.





Television Archive
The events of September 11th affected the entire world. Reactions around the globe have been captured in this archive of television news broadcasts from the period following the attacks. We invite you to explore the collection and share your thoughts with other archive users.





Media in the News

Photo & Video

NYC from space
AP Photo/NASA, Frank Culbertson

Before After
Before After

The damage to the Pentagon
Pentagon Damage

Graphics & Interactive Media

Talk about it

For Survivors



The Law & Civil Liberties

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-- Benjamin Franklin

The Laws

Commentary & Articles

Architecture & Engineering

These links are from the site which has more than are listed here.


Engineering, Construction & Clean-up


Other Links

Hijacking Suspects

Aboard American Airlines Flight 77, which took off from Washington Dulles Airport for Los Angeles and crashed into the Pentagon

Aboard United Airlines Flight 93, which departed Newark, N.J., for San Francisco and crashed outside of Shanksville, Pa.

Aboard American Airlines Flight 11, which crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center after taking off from Boston's Logan International Airport en route for Los Angeles

Aboard United Airlines Flight 175, which left Boston for Los Angeles but crashed into the South Tower of the Word Trade Center

Ready Reference

WTC map

World Trade Center

1350 feet / 405 meters
110 floors, each floor covered one acre
50,000 office workers and 90,000 visitors daily
When built & cost
Built between 1996 and 1973 at a cost of $700 million
What companies had offices there?
Building #1, Building #2

NYC Weather

New York City

Metro: 18,087,251 ('96 census)
City: 7,380,906 ('96 census)
Metro density : 895.8 inh./sq. km. 2320.1 inh./sq.mi.
300 sq mi (780 sq km)
87ft (27m)
Time Zone
Eastern Time (GMT/UTC minus 5 hours)
Telephone area codes
Manhattan 212, 646 & 917, outer boroughs 718, 347 or 917

Pentagon map

The Pentagon

The Pentagon - a building, institution, and symbol - was conceived at the request of Brigadier General Brehon B. Sommervell, Chief of the Construction Division of the Office of the Quartermaster General, on a weekend in mid-July 1941. The purpose was to provide a temporary solution to the War Department's critical shortage of space.The ground breaking ceremony took place on September 11, 1941. The building was dedicated on January 15, 1943, nearly 16 months to the day after the ground breaking.

Arlington Weather

Prime contract awarded 11 August 1941
Mechanical engineering contract awarded 3 September 1941
Construction began 11 September 1941
Grading contract awarded 24 September 1941
First occupants move in 29 April 1942
Construction completed 15 January 1943
Total Land Area (acres) 583
Government Owned (acres) 296
Purchased or condemned (acres) 287
Cost $2,245,000
Area covered by Pentagon bldg (acres) 29
Area of center court (acres) 5
Area of heating and refrigeration plant (acres) 1
Area of sewage structures (acres) 1
Access highways built (miles) 30
Overpasses and bridges built 21
Parking space (acres) 67
Capacity (vehicles) 8,770
Cost of building $49,600,000
Total cost of project (including outside facilities) $83,000,000
Gross floor area (sq. ft.) 6,636,360
Net space for offices, concessions and storage (sq. ft.) 3,705,793
Cubic contents (cu. ft.) 77,015,000
Length of each outer wall (ft.) 921
Height of building (ft.) 77' 3.5"
Number of floors, plus mezzanine and basement 5
Total length of corridors (miles) 17.5
Number of:
Stairways 131
Escalators 19
Elevators 13
Fire hose cabinets 672
Rest Rooms 284
Fixtures 4,900
Drinking fountains 691
Electric clock outlets 7,000
Clocks installed 4,200
Light fixtures 16,250
Lamp replacements (daily) 250
Windows 7,754
Glass area (equals 7.1 acres)(sq. ft.) 309,276

Cancellations, Closures & Rescheduling

New date for New York mayoral primary
Tuesday, September 25th
Last time the NYSE was closed for two unscheduled days
VJ Day, 14 August 1945
Last time Major League Baseball was cancelled for more than one day
1918 due to WWI




New Airport Security Regulations (from the DIA Web site, MSNBC & C|Net)

10/10/01: FAA Issues New Rules for Carryon Luggage




Ground Transportation

Health Issues



Conspiracies, Hoaxes & Scams

Lighting a candle for a satellite photo

The following is a nice idea if it gets people out 
together to share their emotions, to meet their neighbors, 
and so forth. However, all other aspects of it are nonsense.


1. Candles are trivial as far as a source of light.  The light 
from your street lights, house lights, advertising signs, and so 
forth are thousands of times brighter than it could possibly be, 
even if we all went outside with a candle and a big flashlight.

2. The times given are before sunset in the Pacific time zone and 
in parts of the mountain time zone.

3. Pictures of the lights of the whole USA are already widely
available on the net.

4. Such pictures are not made from one single photograph, but are
composites of multiple photos put together.

5. This is the third day that I've received this same email request,
and have yet to see anything on the news about it.

6. There is no indication what it means to say "the U.S. has asked".
Who is "the U.S.", some unknown government agency that would certainly
have had a news conference covered by the media?

7. Check out a satellite photo showing the lights of the world at:

Dan Lester


The Internet Fraud Complaint Center recently received several 
complaints that someone is using the letters, "FBI" or "" 
in an e-mail address in order to make it seem that the message 
is coming from an FBI employee. In several cases, the message 
said, "Your application is approved. Please fill out this form 
to confirm your identity" and solicited the person's name, 
address, credit card number and expiration date. 

The FBI does NOT e-mail people soliciting information from them. 
The FBI does NOT request such personal information from people 
via the internet. 

You should always safeguard your credit card numbers and other 
personal data.


Tribute to America

I received the e-mail titled "The United States" or "Tribute to 
America" more than once today.  Curiosity led me to do a little 
research and here's what I found out.

The editorial piece was written and read on June 5, 1973 -- "The 
Americans" - by Gordon Sinclair, a Canadian journalist.

There are references to the Gordon Sinclair piece in magazines and
newspapers in late 1973 and early 1974.  Apparently the editorial 
was put to music in at least two different versions (Mr. Sinclair's 
own reading to The Battle Hymn of the Republic and another version 
to America the Beautiful). They hit the bestselling charts and both 
donated the royalties to the American Red Cross.  Newsweek reported 
it was the NO. 1 seller in Atlanta.

The NY Times reported (January 13, 1974) that Mr. Sinclair (at age 
73) was watching TV of flooding in the Mississippi River valley and 
"was impressed that the American farmers whose crops had been ruined 
'weren't whining about it.'"  So he wrote the editorial.

US News & World Report printed segments of the editorial on the last 
page of the Nov. 19, 1973 issue.

Russell Baker wrote a lengthy editorial of his own on the piece and 
the record's success in the Jan. 8, 1974 issue of the NY Times.

So that's more of the story.  It's nearly 30 years old!!

Andrine Haas, Director
Jane Carey Memorial Library
Dawson Community College

Other Resources


I make no claims as to the validity of any statements in this section. Individuals have sent me these links and in the interest of full coverage I post them here.

North Atlantic Treaty; April 4, 1949


The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all, and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self defence recognized by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually, and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.

Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security.

Complete text from The Avalon Project

NYC Office Space

We've received a huge response from both companies that have been 
displaced and are looking for office space and those who are offering 
free space. We have space at our offices and are starting a database 
of office space of those in need.

If you have free space, please e-mail me information regarding the 
following at (or call me at 

If you have space to offer, please let us know:

Square feet available:
How long people can stay (a range is fine):
Number of desks available
Number of computers available:
Availability of high-speed Internet access:

If you need space, please call or e-mail me and let me know how many 
people you have. I'm also looking for a furniture rental company to 
donate desks and a computer rental company to donate computers; please 
e-mail me at

Best regards and God bless,
Editor & CEO, Silicon Alley Reporter &

Helping Children Cope

Opinions & Commentary


Osama Bin Ladin

Response to the Attack


Background Analysis


Jerry Falwell


U.S. Government


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