Why are these books available to “purchase” via OverDrive?

OverDrive logoI’ll say that I totally agree with the first example given in this blog post while I’ll say that the second example is a slightly more complex question. However, a good point it being made here:

Like many systems, we subscribe to OverDrive. However, even though Overdrive and the publishers deal in eBooks, which are shiny and new, the publishers are a little overzealous in opening up their backlists. I’ve found a number of titles that we could purchase for our Overdrive collection, at full price, that I would have weeded in a heartbeat ten years ago if the physical copies were on our shelves. I don’t really blame Overdrive, as they’re probably just uploading the publisher’s catalogue. But the publishers should know better than to offer these dogs up for sale. Oh well, if anyone buys them, you guys will have plenty of material in the years to come.  Here are a couple of examples:

50 Urgent Things You Need to Do Before the Millenium: Protect Yourself, Your Family, and Your Finances from the Upcoming Computer Crisis! (1999)

The New Russians (1990)

Read the full article @ Awful Library Books.

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